I woke up to see ice on my windows.

It is the beginning of April, and there was no way I thought I would wake up this morning and see ice on the inside of my windows.

There were 3 inches of snow on the ground and ice crystals steadily pelleting the windows.

I walked out of the kitchen and went to help my husband. He is the warmest person I know. When my hands get cold, they automatically go on to his back as I hug him. As he was yelping, he was also asking me why I didn’t just turn the thermostat up? He walked into the kitchen, turned the thermostat up to 72, and told me to ‌remember to turn it back down if it got too warm. My husband headed down into the basement where he has a workroom and told me he was going to ‌finish our granddaughter’s birthday present for her. Half an hour later, he came up, grabbed a jacket, and headed back downstairs. Before even got the basement door closed, I shouted to him that maybe he should turn up the thermostat. He never answered me, but I heard a chuckle as he closed the door. All day long, we had the furnace running, trying to keep warmth in our home. The winds were blowing; the windows were rattling, and a draft just drifted throughout our house. That night, I settled on the couch with a blanket wrapped around me, and my husband still had on his jacket. He laughed while watching the weather. Today was freezing with the thermostat turned up to 72 and tomorrow it’s supposed to be 72. Who would’ve thunk it?
cooling install

Maybe with a can of spinach, you would have the strength and energy to get a job.

My son is 26 years old and still living with me.

This does not make me happy, and his father is even less happy than I am. Last week, my husband gave him an ultimatum. He told him to either go to school or get a job. Either way, we expected him to do something with his life other than lie around and play video games. I held up a can of spinach and told him that if he ate it, maybe he would have the strength and energy to get a job. Since all he did was watch cartoons in the morning, I was sure he knew I was referring to the Popeye cartoons. Three days later, my son came into the house and plopped down on the couch while reaching for his video game joysticks. When he couldn’t find them, he asked me what happened to them. I ‌calmly told him that they went out in the trash just like the rest of the junk in the house. My son was livid. He went upstairs, put his shoes back on, and walked out the door. Two hours later, he handed me a paper. He had gone down to the local community college and signed up for HVAC certification classes. He‌ knew that by getting his HVAC certification, he could work with his father. He thought ‌HVAC techs made a lot of money, and since dad owned the HVAC company, he would get paid even better. I chuckled because he really didn’t know his father as well as he thought he did.

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What do you mean you can't get the air conditioning unit to work?

We live in an area where constant air conditioning is not needed throughout the summer.

  • Because of this, we chose not to get central air conditioning in our home.

We have an air conditioning unit in the upstairs, one in the basement, one in the living room, and two for the bedrooms. This gives us the ability to turn on have air conditioning running only in the rooms we are using.. There are days on end when the only time we use an air conditioning unit is when we are in bed. For that reason, my husband makes sure that he cleans all the AC units once a year, and makes special note to the AC unit in our bedroom. Last summer, he was cleaning the AC units and all I heard was an expletive. I walked out to see if he had injured himself. He had the bedroom AC unit sitting on the bench and many of the parts on the porch floor. He said the air conditioning unit would not work. All I could think was, what do you mean you can’t get the air conditioning unit to work? With all the parts he had lying around and was seeming to be total chaos, I could easily understand why he couldn’t get the AC unit to work. He was probably missing some ‌parts. I was getting ready to voice my thought, when he gave me a grin. He said that a couple small parts had slipped between the porch railing and fallen to the ground. Without those parts, the air conditioning unit would not work

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Is it for our comfort or yours?

My husband has a way of projecting his wants and needs as being our wants and needs.

Last week, he was complaining about how cold it was in the basement.

I asked him if he had turned the thermostat up? He told me ‌he would do without the heat and just put on a jacket. He didn’t want our energy costs to go too high. I paid the energy b[lls. He did not know how much we spent on our monthly energy bills. So when he tried to tell me that keeping the heat off downstairs meant we would be more comfortable upstairs. I asked if it was for our comfort or his? He spit and sputtered and told me that, of course, it was for our comfort. My husband will not turn the heat on in the basement because he feels like he is wasting energy. In the long run, all he was doing was making himself sick and when he came to bed shivering, we would have to turn the thermostat up in the bedroom. I didn’t know how to explain to him that by keeping his basement work room heated; he was saving heat upstairs. The furnace wasn’t running nearly as much at night when he had the heat on in the basement because that room was directly under our bedroom. The ambient heat from the furnace running in his workroom was helping to heat our bedroom. At one point it would’ve been him trying to explain this thought to me, but as much as I hate to admit it, at his age he needs to be reminded.

heating industry

I needed a comfortable place to study.

When I was taking my graduate courses, I needed a quiet and comfortable place to study. I’m not one who can concentrate well if I have a lot of noise or the temperature isn’t just perfect. Since I had my ‌apartment, I didn’t think noise or comfort would be a problem when I was taking my graduate courses. Unfortunately, I was just about ready to finish all of my courses when the HVAC system died. I called my landlord and told him that there was a problem with the heating, but he said he didn’t have enough money to have it repaired at the moment. I tried to explain that without excellent HVAC, I could not study, and ultimately graduate. My landlord told me that my graduation was not his concern. Since he didn’t want to do anything about the HVAC, I called the HVAC company. I gave them the address and the name of my landlord and explained the situation. I explained that trying to study in an apartment that didn’t have a working furnace was impossible. It would be difficult to huddle under blankets with a space heater, and study. Twenty-four hours later, the HVAC technician was in my apartment. He quickly repaired the HVAC system. He then asked me where I wanted to have the bill sent. I gave him the name and address of my landlord. I knew that before the landlord threatened to kick me out for sending him the bill for the HVAC company, my lease would be up and I would be out of there.

a/c care

I dreamed of an outdoor wedding.

When I was a little girl, I saw a movie where the bride was wearing a white coat over her dress. There was a hood on the coat, and it was framed in white fur. The snow was falling she walked the snow covered aisle to her soon to be husband. From that day on, I dreamed that I would have an outdoor winter wedding when I grew up. Despite all the glamour that Hollywood played into that movie, I could not find a single reason to walk down an aisle when it was snowing. The white floor length coat that was lined with fur was not in my budget. Most of my relatives were elderly, and having them stand out on a frigid, snowy day was not doable. We ended up renting a venue, with a lot of windows so we could see the snow outside. Before renting the venue, my husband asked the manager if they had a good HVAC system in the building. Three times the question was posed, and three times the building manager assured us that the furnace was working perfectly. The day before the wedding, my sisters and bridesmaids joined me in decorating the venue. It was frigid when we walked inside the building. I hoped it was just that the building manager had forgotten to turn the heating on, but I was wrong. There was a note tacked to the refrigerator letting me know ‌the furnace was broken, but they had called the HVAC company. They guaranteed the furnace would work before we arrived at the venue for our wedding reception. I could only hope the furnace was working, because my husband would not be happy if it wasn’t.
a/c repair

We discussed a whole-home air purification system long before the pandemic.

When COVID-19 reared its ugly head, the HVAC company I work for was getting a plethora of calls for whole home air purification systems.

Although many people didn’t think a vaccine could help them from getting Covid, they thought that a whole home air purification system would.

I will admit that the air purifier could help to eliminate many of the bacteria that carry the virus, but it couldn’t prevent a person from getting the virus. Long before the pandemic even started, my husband and I had discussed a whole home air purification system. Having severe asthma and allergies, an air purification system was a necessity in our home. When one of the HVAC techs was telling me ‌about a whole home air purifier, I was interested. He told me how it works, and how I would need to make sure the air filters were changed the same as I did in the AC and furnace. He said that when you added the UV light, you couldn’t find much air than what would be in my home. Even with the whole home air purifier, I knew I would still have to take precautions when I went outside of my home. When I began answering phone calls from clients who wanted a whole home air purification system to eliminate their chance of getting Covid, I had to keep my mouth shut. These people will go outside without a mask, but they couldn’t feel safe in their homes. Covid may have brought out the best in many people, but in some it had just brought out stupidity.


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Never trust a husband to do a professional’s job.

My husband is one of those men who thinks he can do anything.

Not only does he think he can do anything, but he thinks he does it all perfectly.

I learned a long time ago that I should never trust my husband to do a professional’s job. My daughter and I were notorious for taking long trips to visit relatives. When my daughter got married, my mother became my travel partner. My husband was not the type of person who loved to travel. His idea of traveling was going to the local sportsmen’s jamboree, as long as it wasn’t over 50 miles away. During one of our trips, I learned my lesson. While mom and I were visiting my sister, there was a problem with the air conditioning unit. Instead of calling the HVAC company, my husband decided to repair the AC unit by himself. When he didn’t answer or return my phone call that evening, I was ‌ concerned. No matter where I was, we always took time out to discuss our day, and say good night and I love you. His not answering my phone call gave me reason for concern. The night before, he had told me that the air conditioning unit had broken. I told him where to find the number to the HVAC company, but he said he had it under control. When he didn’t answer the phone, all I could picture was my husband ripping the air conditioning unit apart, and not knowing how to put it together. I could only hope that if he got in trouble with the AC unit, he would call a professional.

heating tune up

I was listening to the weather report.

I know it’s April, and I know that in April the weather is ‌ crazy. It started out with snow showers for the morning, sunshine and intermittent rain showers with temps near 50° for midafternoon, then 3 to 5 inches of snow for the evening. The only thing I got out of that forecast was that it was going to be a wet day. I turned the thermostat up in the spare room and got some work done. I use the spare room as my sewing room, because it was quiet and out of the way of the rest of the house. I was working on a quilt for my niece’s birthday, and I had all the pieces spread out across the floor. When the heat turned on, it came out of the air vent with such force that all of my quilting squares were blown into a pile. I know it is good to have a lot of airflow, and when that airflow comes through the air vent as heat, it is welcome on days like today. If I had been smart, I would have had the quilting squares laid out on my bench, but I wasn’t thinking smart. I had to gather all my squares, and once again lay them out so I could pin them together. As frustrated as I was with the mess I had created, walking back into that room made me smile. The heat coming out of the air vents was nothing but soothing. It was my fault the quilting squares were strewn all over, for not changing the direction the air vent blades were pointing.



Cooling and heating provider

The west winds

I entirely do not enjoy it when the winds are blowing to the west where I live.

The reason for this is that when it happens, the air quality is bad.

And I mean entirely bad. I have super horrible dust irritations as well as the only relief I can get from the west winds is from my whole home media air cleaner. The whole home air purification idea cleans the indoor air conditions of my home making it so I can breathe a bit easier when the air quality gets poor from the winds blowing west. This was the whole reason I obtained the whole home air purification idea in the first stadium. If I had not been in the situation with these west winds causing the poor air quality, I would not have had to invest in the whole home media air cleaner. But I am cheerful that the opening was available as well as that the technology exists. Because the air quality gets so poor at those times that a portable air purification idea would never work in cleaning the air quality. I suppose because I have tried before I got the whole home media air cleaner. It entirely is a godsend as well as a beautiful blessing that the whole home air purification idea works so well to fight these west wind generated poor air quality afternoons. I do not suppose what I would have done had this been 30 years ago! It would have been a real fight I can tell you that for sure. Praise air purifying technology!

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