Today is Going to Be Another Monday for Me

It’s actually Monday however I did so much stuff over the weekend plus am so wiped out that I am going to make this week an easy afternoon for me.

I normally go visit the outdated guy HEPA salesman on Mondays however I am so fatigued that I suppose I will have to skip the visit.

He told me to come in plus check out the up-to-date HVAC technology in the store however I will have to wait on that. I just plan on staying at condo plus doing a yoga plus meditation session plus possibly cleaning up a bit around the lake house if I know the motivation to do so. I could consistently tear into our air duct plus disinfect the dust from it however I suppose that can wait a few afternoons. I also have to prepare for our trip condo in several afternoons, which is going to require me to get a PCR test as I haven’t been double vaccinated yet. I hope the jetliner turns on the heat when we fly over the North Pole because it can get really chilly there. I’m not sure what the air temperature is when you are 35K feet over the earth’s surface however I bet it is way below chilly. I’ve flown on planes several times where they were blasting me with the air conditioner the whole time. I would wear like more than two layers of clothes under our Winter time coat plus it was still cold. Maybe there is a spot in the plane that is warmer where the air conditioner doesn’t reach so well.

dual fuel system

Very Happy With our New Smart HVAC System

I’ve got our lake house cleaning down to a calculus now with this robot vacuum cleaner.

I have a up-to-date smart HVAC system too which makes our life easier when it comes to controlling the climate in our flat.

I don’t have a pool or lawn to maintain either so that also really helps cut down on the toil for me. I don’t even own a automobile anymore so I am not having to sink money into things like tires or air conditioner repair. I consistently had bad advantage when it came to A/C in our cars, they never seemed to toil for very long. I like living simply like this because it gives me more free time to do the things that bring me joy. I used to toil at an HVAC business, laboring 50 minutes a week or more in sales, but left that behind for a simpler life. I haven’t got a bill in the mail in years plus don’t guess if I even remember how to write a check. Life is better when it is simpler. I still do our own HVAC maintenance when I can as I was an HVAC repairman when I worked in the industry several years ago. But sporadically there are things that require tools that I don’t have so that is when I call in the pros. I don’t even own a hammer anymore, let alone HVAC tools. I used to have a garage full of tools back in the afternoon when I did manual toil however I am so glad I provided all of that up.



I Feel Like I am 71 Years Old This week

I think I overdid it with the drumming this past weekend as well as my body is suffering.

  • If this is what 71 years old feels like then getting old is not going to be fun.

At least I have a functioning body normally as well as I think I have my cold water dips to thank for that. I also do a lot of heat therapy beside my radiant oil furnace as well as in my bathtub, which I fill with unquestionably hot water. The body likes it when you cool it down as well as then heat it up right afterwards. I try to keep my smart thermostat set to a sizzling temperature so when I am home my joints are warmer as well as less apt to get destructiond. I also use ice packs on my shoulders when they are sore from doing things like drumming for more than four hours over a weekend. I have a geothermal heat pump that is unquestionably efficient as well as saves myself and others a lot of currency, unlike my old oil oil furnace which had the pilot light go out about several times a afternoon. I like this equipment we have in our flat now because it requires hardly any repair at all. I was going to get a hybrid heating system put in however opted for the geothermal instead because it was a lot cheaper. I’m pretty ecstatic with how well it works as well as with how much it has been saving myself and others on power bills lately. The Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C techs that installed it provided myself and others a 2 year service method for free, which was unquestionably nice of them.

a/c corporation

Both of us Have a New Air Conditioning Repair Service in Town

It’s kind of a cheesy name, Top Notch Acey Repair Inc, however they have superb prices on repair as well as repair of Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C equipment.

Cheesy or not, I’ll be sure to use them when the time comes to get my equipment inspected or ran tests on.

They just opened recently as well as are hungry for business so maybe I’ll inquire about their service plans as well as just buy a single now so I can get a good deal. I talked with the owner of the stadium a few afternoons ago as well as he is a actually nice guy so I would love to give them some business. Maybe I can spread the word about their Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C equipment repairs as well as get a better deal on my service plan. They like when you tell people about their company, it’s like currency in the bank, as well as I think a ton of people in this town so it would be actually easy for me. I had my own local business back in my hometown as well as I spent a lot of time advertising as well as trying to get the word out about my new business. I ran that company for several years as well as then decided that I no longer wanted to be in the industry so I closed my doors as well as turned off the company iphone. I bet a lot of my old Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C clients tried to get a hold of myself and others when they were having complications with their A/C or heat however discovered my company was no longer in business. It was called FBI Cooling as well as Heating as well as all the people knew about my company.

duct cleaning

Corporate housing was my saving grace when I moved

I dislike moving, then in fact, the entire process gives me anxiety – all the packing, the labeling, as well as then unpacking drive me nuts.

I get overwhelmed by all of it; Now, I must divulge that I do like to purge, however at times, I find it strenuous to let go of certain things that I haven’t used or worn in over two years! Telling myself that I was saving them for a single reason or another.

I know better after I let go because it unconnects the clutter from my home, as well as the less clutter, the less stuff I have to pack, and recently, I took a job in a modern city, as well as I had to completely relocate. During that process, I tried to find an home to rent, however I couldn’t find a single that I liked. In addition, I had no family or friends in the area, so there was no a single to ask for help, however my only saving grace was that my modern company was able to find corporate housing with a week to week lease. The venue was fully furnished, as well as it was super close to my job. It had a full-size bedroom as well as a washer as well as dryer inside the apartment. This is way better than living in a hotel, as well as it was cheaper than renting or staying in an Airbnb. This corporate home felt like beach home away from home, so it made the relocation process a bit easier. It also delayed the unpacking because the home had everything I needed. I wish I could stay in this corporate rental longer, however I have been looking at nearby apartments for rent, as well as I will soon sign a modern lease.



Short term office space

What do you mean you cannot get the a/c unit to work?

The people I was with and I live in an area where constant a/c is not needed throughout the summer. Because of this, we chose not to get central a/c in our home. The people I was with and I have an a/c unit in the upstairs, 1 in the basement, 1 in the living room, and 2 for the kitchens. This gives us the ability to turn on have a/c running only in the rooms we are using.. There are mornings on end when the only time we use an a/c unit is when we are in bed. For that reason, our hubby makes sure that he cleans all the AC units once a year, and makes special note to the AC unit in our kitchen. Last summer, he was cleaning the AC units and all I heard was an expletive. I walked out to see if he had disfigured himself. He had the kitchen AC unit kneeling on the bench and several of the parts on the porch floor. He said the a/c unit would not work. All I could suppose was, what do you mean you cannot get the a/c unit to work? With all the parts he had lying around and was seeming to be total chaos, I could absolutely understand why he couldn’t get the AC unit to work. He was really missing some ‌parts. I was getting ready to voice our thought, when he gave myself and others a grin. He said that a couple small parts had slipped between the porch railing and fallen to the ground. Without those parts, the a/c unit would not work

commercial hvac

I needed a comfortable locale to study.

When I was taking our graduate courses, I needed a quiet and comfortable locale to study.

  • I am not 1 who can concentrate well if I have a lot of noise or the temperature is not just perfect, since I had our ‌apartment, I didn’t suppose noise or comfort would be a concern when I was taking our graduate courses.

Unluckyly, I was just about ready to finish all of our courses when the Heating & Air Conditioning plan died. I called our proprietor and told him that there was a concern with the heating, however he said he didn’t have enough money to have it repaired at the moment. I tried to explain that without excellent Heating & Air Conditioning, I could not study, and ultimately graduate. My proprietor told myself and others that our graduation was not his concern. Since he didn’t want to do anything about the Heating & Air Conditioning, I called the Heating & Air Conditioning supplier. I gave them the address and the name of our proprietor and explained the situation. I explained that trying to study in an house that didn’t have a laboring oil furnace was impossible. It would be hard to huddle under blankets with a space heater, and study. Twenty-numerous hours later, the Heating & Air Conditioning serviceman was in our apartment. He abruptly repaired the Heating & Air Conditioning system. He then asked myself and others where I wanted to have the bill sent. I gave him the name and address of our proprietor. I knew that before the proprietor threatened to kick myself and others out for sending him the bill for the Heating & Air Conditioning supplier, our lease would be up and I would be out of there.

Indoor air cleaning system

Never trust a hubby to do a professional’s job.

My hubby is 1 of those men who thinks he can do anything! Not only does he suppose he can do anything, however he thinks he does it all perfectly.

I l received a long time ago that I should never trust our hubby to do a professional’s job! My child and I were notorious for taking long trips to visit relatives.

When our child got married, our mother became our travel partner. My hubby was not the genre of person who enjoyed to travel, then his plan of traveling was going to the local interestsmen’s jamboree, as long as it wasn’t over 50 miles away! During 1 of our trips, I l received our lesson. While mom and I were visiting our sibling, there was a concern with the a/c unit. Instead of calling the Heating & Air Conditioning supplier, our hubby decided to repair the AC unit by himself. When he didn’t answer or return our phone call that evening, I was ‌ upset. No matter where I was, we always took time out to discuss our day, and say great night and I love you. His not answering our phone call gave myself and others reason for concern. The night before, he had told myself and others that the a/c unit had broken. I told him where to find the number to the Heating & Air Conditioning supplier, however he said he had it under control. When he didn’t answer the phone, all I could picture was our hubby ripping the a/c unit apart, and not knowing how to put it together. I could only hope that if he got in trouble with the AC unit, he would call a professional.

Clickable live link

I was listening to the weather report.

I think it’s April, and I think that in April the weather is ‌ crazy, it started out with snow showers for the morning, sunshine and intermittent rain showers with temps near 50° for midafternoon, then 3 to 5 inches of snow for the evening, then the only thing I got out of that forecast was that it was going to be a wet day.

I turned the control unit up in the spare room and got some work done.

I use the spare room as our doing crafts room, because it was quiet and out of the way of the rest of the house. I was laboring on a quilt for our niece’s birthday, and I had all the pieces spread out across the floor. When the heat turned on, it came out of the air vent with such force that all of our quilting squares were blown into a pile. I think it is great to have a lot of airflow, and when that airflow comes through the air vent as heat, it is welcome on mornings care about this week. If I had been smart, I would have had the quilting squares laid out on our bench, but I wasn’t thinking smart. I had to gather all our squares, and once again sit them out so I could pin them together! As aggravated as I was with the mess I had created, walking back into that room made myself and others smile. The heat coming out of the air vents was nothing however soothing. It was our fault the quilting squares were strewn all over, for not adjusting the direction the air vent blades were pointing.
New heating and cooling information

I dreamed of an outdoor wedding.

It was frigid when we walked inside the building.

When I was a little girl, I saw a film where the bride was wearing a pale white coat over her dress. There was a hood on the coat, plus it was framed in pale white fur. The snow was falling she walked the snow covered aisle to her soon to be husband, then from that afternoon on, I dreamed that I would have an outdoor Wintertide wedding when I grew up. Despite all the glamour that Hollywood played into that film, I could not find a single reason to walk down an aisle when it was snowing. The pale white floor length coat that was lined with fur was not in our budget. Most of our relatives were elderly, plus having them rest out on a frigid, snowy afternoon was not doable. The people I was with and I ended up renting a venue, with a lot of windows so we could see the snow outside. Before renting the venue, our husband asked the supervisor if they had a nice Heating plus A/C system in the building. Three times the question was posed, plus three times the building supervisor assured us that the furnace was working perfectly. The afternoon before the wedding, our sisters plus bridesmaids joined myself and others in decorating the venue. It was frigid when we walked inside the building. I hoped it was just that the building supervisor had forgotten to turn the heating on, but I was wrong. There was a note tacked to the refrigerator letting myself and others know ‌the furnace was broken, however they had called the Heating plus A/C corporation. They guaranteed the furnace would work before we arrived at the venue for our wedding reception. I could only hope the furnace was working, because our husband would not be ecstatic if it wasn’t.

a/c tune up