Finding a different sort of HVAC answer

They made it so easy for me to have the sort of heating and cooling that works for me.

Change is never easy but there are times when you just have to go a new direction in order to add to your life. I have always been a ver self motivated and self reliant person. When I left the quality heating and air of my parent’s house for college, I was on my own. But now, I’m about to share my life with someone. That is going to come with plenty of change to just how I have lived my life up to this point. That goes for my house too. My house is simple and minimalist. There is no really HVAC or any sort of modern convenience. I have electricity and water but none of the other stuff that most people take for granted. My about to be wife gets that I live this way on purpose. It’s not so much that I’m rejecting the ways that most people live. It’s just that I’ve found living minimally to be good for me. But as I am now sharing my house and my life, I have to be flexible to change. That means there is now heating and cooling in my home. The HVAC company was great about it. They made it so easy for me to have the sort of heating and cooling that works for me. Instead of the conventional central air conditioning, I have a ductless multi split system installed. It’s perfect because it’s so efficient that I get the sustainability component that I’m looking for. Yet, my wife will really like being able to have air conditioning all summer as well.

boiler repair

HVAC comes with big heating and cooling cost savings

Getting more than what I bargained for is normally something that isn’t so great. But with the recent changes with my HVAC equipment, I actually got some added value thrown in. Making a big purchase like HVAC equipment comes with plenty of due diligence. I like to be sure that I’m getting good quality for the right price. Generally, I tend to pay more for higher quality, That certainly was the case with our HVAC equipment. When we bought this house, we took on the old HVAC unit. It was more that 11 years old but worth keeping since we negotiated the condition of the HAC unit into the final sale price. We ever signed the HVAC unit up for the HVAC service plan as well. Finally, the HVAC technician let us know that it was time to replace the old HVAC unit. So that’s when I started to do my research on the latest in residential HVAC. There had been a great deal of change to HVAC technology in the ensuing years. After checking with the HVAC professionals, my wife and I chose some higher hend heating and cooling equipment. We loved the idea of having zone controlled HVAC and a smart thermostat as well. The improved efficiency made us feel good about leaving a smaller footprint. What I didn’t fact in was that we would be saving so much on utility costs with the HVAC technology. We save so much that I’m blown away buy the heating and cooling savings. I’m actually offsetting the cost of the new HVAC unit with the savings we get every month on utilities.

Programmable thermostat

I love my house again thanks to the HVAC professionals

If you’re staying inside the zone controlled HVAC of work late just so you don’t have to smell your house, it’s time to talk to the HVAC professionals. That’s just a fact and it would see a fairly obvious one. But for me, I just didn’t know enough about indoor air quality to know who to ask. Still, it seems pretty elementary that if you have problems with the air in your house, talk to the HVAC professionals right? Finally we did and the HVAC company solved our problems. But prior to getting the air purification that solved our problems, I just didn’t know what to do. My wife and I both sough out every sort of deodorizer we thought would help. We’d use scented candles, sprays and even an ionizer to help with the indoor air odor of our home. And those methods would be fine for a bit. But once the HVAC equipment came back on, all the odors were blown right back around the house again. It got so frustrating that both my wife and I were choosing to work late in the zone controlled HVAC of the office. Coming home meant opening the door and getting hit hard with a wall of odors. It finally dawned on us to seek out professional help from the HVAC company. They solved the problem with a whole home air purification system. This thing kills the DNA of the airborne bacteria responsible for the odors. Literally overnight, that air purifier transformed the indoor air quality of our home. It’s now a mad dash for us both to get home to the perfect indoor air in our home thanks to the whole home air purification.

Energy saving tips

I just found out that our neighbors are going to get a divorce

I just found out some sad news the other day.

  • Our neighbors, who have lived next to us for about 10 years now, are going to be getting a divorce.

I can’t really say that I’m all that surprised, although it is sad. I used to hear them yelling all the time whenever they had their windows open. I honestly think that them having their windows open was actually part of the problem with their marriage, from what I heard! They were constantly fighting about their heating and cooling system and their air conditioning bills. From what I could gather from all of their fights, the wife always wanted to have the air conditioning on full blast but the husband wanted to keep the windows open instead. The wife was constantly yelling that she was too hot and that he was too cheap to pay for the cooling bills. He, on the other hand, would yell about how she just wants to spend money that he doesn’t have all the time and that she was a spoiled little princess.The fights would get really bad. This went on for a very long time, and I was always wondering how it was going to turn out. I did not think that they were very happy together since they were fighting nearly all the time, as far as I could tell. I mean, I’m sure that they fought during the winter too, but the summertime when the windows were open was when I heard the worst of it. It’s too bad they can’t work things out.

Commercial HVAC for sale

I think we are going to get a ductless mini split for the great room

I think we have finally decided that we are going to break down and get a ductless mini split HVAC unit for the great room in our house.

We have been discussing our different options for the heating and cooling situation in our great room for about a year now.

We have always known that it has been an issue in the great room, because it is a two story area that is completely wide open. There are tons of windows in that room, and that creates a greenhouse effect for us when the sunshine is coming in through those windows in the afternoon. The room starts heating up a little bit just after noon every day, and then by about 2:00pm, that room is just unbearable. Our HVAC contractor told us that we’re not really able to put in any kind of duct work in that room without ruining the aesthetic of the ceiling in there, and so we are looking for a different option. He said that our best bet would be to think about putting in something called a ductless mini split heating and cooling system for that room. A ductless mini split heating and cooling system would be just the right size for that space, according to him. I think that’s what we are going to end up doing. The price seems to be fair, and if it will help the indoor air quality in that part of the house, I’m all for it. Up until this point, no one will even go in there when it’s past noon.

new air conditioning

My brother in law is finally doing better

He opened up this commercial HVAC company and he really went after a lot of customers.

My brother in law is finally doing better these days. He used to be a complete loser and I couldn’t stand him at all, but these days he seems to be making a turnaround of sorts. A year ago, he told all of us that he was going to be opening up a commercial HVAC business here in town. When he first told us that, I just laughed and scoffed at him behind his back because I did not think that he was going to stick with it. He never stuck with anything before, so there was no reason for me to think that he would. I really did not have any faith in him at all at that point, and I told him that he was definitely going to have to prove himself to me and to the rest of the family if he wanted to get any support from us. I have to say that he has actually done that after about a year. He opened up this commercial HVAC company and he really went after a lot of customers. He has done a great job with all of the commercial HVAC clients that he earned and he seems like he is really sticking with the business and making a go of it. Best of all, he is supporting my sister and their two kids without any help from anyone else. I really hope that the commercial HVAC business continues to go well for him and that this is the right career path for him. It makes me feel much better knowing that my sister and my two nephews are being taken care of.


air conditioning business

I can’t believe how stinky teenage boys can be

My sons are teenagers now and it never ceases to amaze me just how stinky they can be.

They both play sports and so my house is constantly full of sweaty, dirty sports gear, along with all of their shoes.

If you’ve ever been in a house with a bunch of teenage boys, then you know how it can be! Anyway, I started trying to figure out how to keep the house from smelling so bad all the time. It may seem like I am being a little over dramatic, but I can assure you that that is not the case. The indoor air quality in my house has really gone downhill lately, and so I have been buying all kinds of air fresheners and sprays to help make it better. I even bought one of those scented things to go on top of my air filter so that the smell would infiltrate the ventilation system whenever the air conditioning would turn on. However, none of this stuff has really been working all that well and so I talked to a professional HVAC technician about it last week. The HVAC technician told me that he would suggest that we get our ventilation system professionally cleaned. He said that once we get the ductwork cleaned out, we might want to think about installing a whole home air purification system to run at the same time as our heating and cooling system. I think that he’s probably right and the way that he explained it really made sense to me. I think I’m going to go ahead and schedule an air duct cleaning for us and I’m going to talk to my husband about the air purifier, too.


Read more about heating equipment

I am terrified of snakes, but I think I'm safe

I am one of those people who is definitely terrified of snakes, but this year I think I’m going to be safe.

All winter long, I have been thinking about different ways that I can protect myself and my home from these evil, vile creatures and I think that I have come up with a really good way to do it.

See, I know that snakes are cold blooded animals and so they want to be near a heating source whenever possible. I thought about this long and hard and I finally decided that the best way to make my house snake proof is to make the place as cold as it can possibly be. So my plan, even though it probably sounds crazy to people who aren’t scared of snakes like I am, is to make my house freezing cold all summer long. I have decided to hire my local HVAC company to come and put in the biggest, coldest commercial air conditioning unit that they have available in my basement. I know that they will probably tell me that it’s overkill to have an air conditioning that large in my basement, but I plan to insist that that is the exact kind that I want. Then, I am going to set the thermostat in the house as low as it will go and I’m going to leave it at that temperature all summer. If it’s freezing in my basement and in my house throughout the summer, then no snake in its right mind is ever going to want to come near my house. And of course, that’s just the way that I want it.

home services

I hate to get headaches in the summertime

That’s pretty hard to do, though, when you’re trying to live your life and it’s really hot outside! I think I may talk to my local HVAC company to see if they have any suggestions for me for the summer

I really hate to get headaches in the summertime, but if I don’t have air conditioning , that’s exactly what happens to me. I can’t pinpoint exactly when this started happening to me, but it’s been that way for at least the past two years. I think that the older I get, the more that I seem to get headaches from overheating. This is turning into a real problem around here, because the temperatures get into the high 90s on a regular basis around here during the summer. Not only that, but the humidity is really bad around here too. The humidity may have something to do with it as well, and I have noticed that if I’m not near an air conditioning system when it’s that hot, then I end up with a terrible headache just about every time. I don’t really know what to do about it during the summer other than stay in the air conditioning all the time. That’s pretty hard to do, though, when you’re trying to live your life and it’s really hot outside! I think I may talk to my local HVAC company to see if they have any suggestions for me for the summer. Maybe there is something out there like a personal cooling device that I could purchase and use throughout the summer. I don’t know if anything like that even exists at this point, but I bet the HVAC company would know. I would think that they would be on top of the most recent heating and cooling technology that’s out there on the market.


air conditioner

We went to the movies when it was so hot

Sometimes, it’s so hot outside that the only things that you can do are go to get ice cream, go swimming, or go to the movies where you can sit in the free air conditioning for a couple of hours.

That’s exactly what I was thinking the other day when the temperature outside was in the nineties before lunchtime.

We decided that we were going to go to the movies just so that we could enjoy the free air conditioning for a while, along with popcorn and some nachos. We got to the movies, bought our tickets, and headed into the theater. But that’s when I noticed that there was definitely something wrong with the indoor air quality in the theater. Usually whenever you go inside the movie theater in the summer, the A/C hits you right in the face whenever you walk in the door. That’s not what happened this time, though. The air conditioning didn’t even seem to be turned on in that theater and it was warm and stuffy in there. This was not good, since sitting in the A/C was really the only reason that we went to the movies in the first place. We didn’t really care about the movie that was playing. I ended up going back out front to the lobby to ask the manager what was going on with the air conditioning situation in that particular theater and he just said that the air conditioning was down that day. I ended up demanding my money back because there was no way I was going to pay to sit inside a stuffy theater for two hours.


hvac worker