I was a little nervous to make the steps, but glad I did

Have you ever bought something and then changed your mind that you did not want it anymore? Well I had this experience recently when I had bought a portable space heater.

I bought it just on impulse because it was on sale.

But then after getting it home I just realized that I tossed out 70 bucks that could have went for groceries or towards a bill. And I really did not need this portable space heater since I had an older one already that worked just fine when I needed to use it. So I went back to the store and returned the portable space heater I had bought. I did not open it, use it or anything. So it was a real easy return. I need to be more careful with my spending habits ever since I lost my job and have been working crappy part time jobs to make ends meet. So buying a portable space heater that I did not need was out of the question. I guess because it was on sale it made me just buy the thing on impulse not thinking about the money situation I am in or thinking about the fact that just because my portable space heater that I do have is old and not as powerful as today’s space heaters, it didn’t require me to get a brand new and up to date one. Maybe in the future I will buy a new space heater, but for now I should just stick with the old one and really begin watching my pennies seriously! A mistake I will not make again.


radiant heater

That was not an accident

I could not believe what I did the other day by accident. I was doing laundry in the basement, and I ended up dropping a small piece of clothing that somehow made its way into the gas blue flame of my gas furnace! It caught on fire and I had to act quick to get it out of the gas furnace opening with a metal rod and then throw water on it right away. Needless to say the clothing was ruined and had to be thrown out. But I am so lucky that a fire didn’t happen had I not caught it as it happened! This is just one example of the dangers of a gas furnace. This little incident woke me up and I am now planning on getting rid of this gas furnace as soon as I can afford to and I am going to invest in a central heating and air conditioning system. It is about time I get up to date with things and get a full central heat and a/c system instead of just the central air conditioning I have now. Having a central heating and air conditioning system will not only be much safer, but it will also end up making it so that all of my heating and cooling needs are in one unit. This will also make it easier for heating and air conditioning system repair and getting an HVAC tune up. Rather than having to pay twice. One for a gas furnace tune up and one for a central air conditioning tune up.

a/c workman

I actually won and I was so happy about it

But thanks to me taking a chance on this lottery and winning I am now able to! I plan to get the most up to date and high quality model central heating and air conditioning system.

It is not everyday I mess around with or enter any kind of lottery. But I entered into this one lottery we have locally and I actually won! I am not a millionaire or anything. It wasn’t even enough to not have to work the rest of my life. But it was a nice chunk of change. Enough for me to finally be able to invest in a brand new and up to date central heating and air conditioning system. I had been wanting to get a new heating and air conditioning system for a while now but just did not have the money to do so. But thanks to me taking a chance on this lottery and winning I am now able to! I plan to get the most up to date and high quality model central heating and air conditioning system. Something that will last for at least 20 years and that will heat and cool my home perfectly. I will even be buying the most high quality HEPA air filters for the central heating and air conditioning system I plan to buy. I never spent money on HEPA air filters in the past because I thought they were too expensive to put into my old and dying central heating and air conditioning system. But now that I will be getting a brand new and up to date central heating and air conditioning system I have no problem paying the few extra dollars for the best HEPA air filters to go with the best central heating and air conditioning system on the market today!

Air conditioning expert

It was distracting listening to this guy for so long

If it was not for that loud and distracting commercial heating and air conditioning system unit I may have actually kept the job throughout my entire high school

When I was in high school I took a job working at a call center. I hated that job with a serious passion. And what made it even worse was the fact that they had this commercial heating and air conditioning system that sat right outside the window of the call center where I sat. And this commercial heating and air conditioning system was loud as ever! It was so distracting and made it so that most of the time it was tough for me to concentrate and do the harassing sales calls that I had to make! The distracting and very loud commercial heating and air conditioning system was so bad that I don’t even know how I kept the job for so long. Eventually I got fired because I could not con people into buying this scam junk that they were selling. Which was more than fine with me in getting fired! But I can tell you the real reason I did not produce the numbers in sales they wanted was because of that distracting commercial heating and air conditioning system. If it was not for that loud and distracting commercial heating and air conditioning system unit I may have actually kept the job throughout my entire high school. As much as I hated it, it was great to have the extra money to go hang out with friends on the weekend. That was probably the only good thing about working in that hell. But that darn commercial heating and air conditioning system really messed things up!


hybrid hvac system

This matters and I can tell why

This is very important about the heat and a/c set up

When you get a brand new and up to date central heating and air conditioning system there are a lot of things to consider. One that many do not think about is HVAC set up. Setting up your brand new central heating and air conditioning system is almost just as important as getting a heat and a/c unit that is right for your home. If you do not have your heat and a/c specialist set up your brand new and up to date central heating and air conditioning system properly it will be useless and not work right. Also on top of it not working right, it could also lead to an early break down of the central heating and air conditioning unit. You would not want that to happen. Because it will also cut the life of the central heating and air conditioning system by several years if you run it and it does not have proper HVAC set up. This is something you need to speak with your local and most likely very friendly heating and air conditioning specialist about when scheduling the installation of your brand new and up to date central heating and air conditioning system unit. This is very important about the heat and a/c set up. I can not stress this enough. Without proper set up of your brand new central heating and air conditioning system you can run into all kinds of issues like you never could even imagine. Pay attention to what I say.

a/c repairman

The days are getting very long

I have been going to school at night to become a certified heating and air conditioning specialist.

In the day I have been working a very dead end and crappy job.

I am now happy to say that I passed my final exam and now have my official certification to become a heating and cooling specialist! This means that I can quit the awful job very soon and be able to go and work out in the heating and air conditioning business. I plan to start by finding a heat and a/c company that will hire me. I will work for them for a while and then try my hand at starting my very own heating and air conditioning business and become an independent heating and air conditioning contractor if it works out. Being an independent heating and air conditioning contractor is the best way to go from what I have been told by many. You make more money if successful and also you get to be your own boss and make your own rules unlike working for a heat and a/c company. But working for a heating and air conditioning company is where it all starts and we all have to start somewhere. I need to build a little nest egg before trying my hand at the independent contractor thing for heat and a/c work. So it is at least a few years away before I can even think about that side of things. I am just go glad that I passed the heating and cooling course!

a/c service

That's just not a great solution

I recently took a chance on buying washable air filters for my central heating and air conditioning system.

Had been hearing about washable air filters for a few years now and was very curious to try them out! Well, the ones that I bought were not so great.

When I went to wash them they flaked apart and eventually just ripped. I ended up having to go out and buy some regular air filters for my central heating and air conditioning system. I am not sure if maybe it was the brand of washable air filters that I bought being the issue or if washable air filters are just one big load of crap all together. I will try the top of the line HEPA washable air filters sometime soon. But I will buy the smallest amount possible to try. Then, if these top of the line HEPA washable air filters do the same thing then I will know for sure that washable air filters are a lie and just a way to milk more money out of you for nothing. The verdict is still out on the concept of washable air filters in my opinion. But like I said, once I buy those HEPA air filters I will be able to find out either way. For now I am using my standard air filters that have been doing me just fine for ages. I am going to stick with these for a while before I go and try the HEPA brand washable air filters.



Heating system

This system is far too old to cool

I can remember the older cars from back in the day.

They had their ups and had their downs.

The one thing I remember clearly about this one car that my older brother had back when is that the central air conditioning in it was pretty strong, but the central heating was kind of weak. Why the air conditioning was stronger and the heating weak was beyond me. That is something I could never figure out. I just remember my brother saying that it was just the way it is. Which to me made no sense. Today heating and air conditioning in cars are equal and work great so long as you have a brand new car and the heating and air conditioning system is pretty up to date. They have the better brand heating and air conditioning for cars and the cheaper brands. Both are better than the heat and a/c that used to be in cars back when, but of course the more expensive ones are going to give you the better and more powerful heating and air conditioning even today. Heat and a/c can be a real detailed thing no matter where you are talking about. A car, your home, at the office or anywhere. Heating and air conditioning these days seem to be the thing that many people latch onto as part of daily living needs. We have become pretty spoiled by heating and air conditioning. Really, heating and air conditioning is what makes things flow in this world today.

heating business

That was just too much for me

I remember back when I used to have this old central heating and air conditioning system.

It was in the days when heating and air conditioning was pretty new to the commercial market.

So we are talking almost 50 years ago! This central heating and air conditioning system worked really well for its time, however it was way too loud. Especially for night time. When you were trying to sleep at night around this central heating and air conditioning system it could be tough sometimes if the heat or a/c unit would go off and on. About the only way to get a decent night’s sleep was to have the central heating and air conditioning system running all night without turning off and on. The only way for this to happen was either with the fan being on or if it was so hot or cold that the central heating and air conditioning system did not turn off once. Other than that, you just had to deal with it if you had central heat and a/c and wanted to heat and cool your home. I am so glad those days are long behind us now and that we have perfectly working central heating and cooling. HVAC technology is so advanced now compared to those early days that most central heating and cooling units are quiet enough to where you can sleep and not even know if they are running or shut off. That is how I like it. And I am so happy that HVAC technology brought us here.

hvac tech

I really couldn't believe the value

Things happen at the worst times let me tell you! My central heating and air conditioning system broke down the other day when I got home from work which was after hours.

At that time of the day there is no regular heating and cooling company opened to send out a certified heat and a/c specialist to repair a central heating and air conditioning system.

So what I had to do was look in the phone book for emergency heating and cooling home services. Calling for emergency heating and air conditioning home services is much more expensive than the regular heating and cooling home services. But I was willing to pay whatever it took to get my central heating and air conditioning system up and running again on the same day. That was the only thing that mattered to me. I found one and called them. They were able to get one of their emergency heat and a/c experts out to my house within a matter of a little under and hour. They fixed my central heating and air conditioning system within less than a half hour. It all panned out just right in timing. Because it was around then that the house was starting to get really hot from having no air conditioning while it was almost one hundred degrees outside. I had to pay double what I would pay a regular heating and cooling business but it was well worth it in my opinion. I had perfectly working heating and air conditioning by the end of the day.


a/c care plan