Issues with my old thermostat

Thermostats last a long time, so it’s not like you would have to worry about replacing them very often

Thermostat troubles! They are almost never fun. Then again, when it comes to having issues, HVAC issues are definitely some of the worst, at least in my opinion. Because of all of the issues, this not only affects your comfort, but your wallet too, and HVAC repairs can be quite pricey, I would know, because my last A/C repair bill was not exactly cheap. Well, I knew my heating and A/C unit should be working new, since it was not very old. So I knew it had to be an issue with my thermostat. It made sense too, because my thermostat was pretty old and outdated, and I knew I would have to be replaced sometime soon. However, I didn’t expect it to be this soon! Thankfully, a thermostat issue is a very minor HVAC problem, and can be easily resolved by getting a new thermostat. Yes, you can always have the thermostat repaired, but unless it is an issue of placement or something similar, I usually just opt to get an entirely new thermostat. Thermostats last a long time, so it’s not like you would have to worry about replacing them very often. I decided to go with the smart thermostat, that seemed like the most obvious choice in upgrading to a new thermostat. Not to mention all of the benefits! I bought the smart thermostat online, and was able to install it myself. Just like that, all of my A/C troubles disappeared! It was a thermostat issue, like I had thought.

hvac duct

The heating system wasn’t very efficient

The heating system in our home fell short of our expectations, and oftentimes, even though we would have the furnace system running, it wouldn’t feel like it.

  • I wondered what was wrong with the heating device.

It seemed to be working well, but it could never heat the home. I wasn’t looking forward to winter and dealing with another harsh year of cold again. However, when my husband made a little bit of extra money, he proposed having the heating machine fixed once and for all. That sounded like a great idea! I would love to have an efficient heating system again. The air conditioning specialist wasn’t able to come out until next week, but when he did, he almost immediately told us that the issue was not with the furnace system. It was with the ductwork. Apparently our ductwork had a bunch of small holes in it, which was letting all of the heated air escape outside. Now it all made sense as to why our HVAC machine always acted like it was working well, but yet the home was never heated. Thankfully, a repair like that is very minor, and the heating and A/C worker was probably only out here for 30 or so minutes. After all of the holes had been patched up, the HVAC workman told us that we should notice a difference within a few hours. Really, within an hour of turning the heating device on, we could tell our home was warming up. I am so glad it was such an easy and minor repair!


ductless mini split

I wasn’t ready to use the furnace yet

When I woke up in the morning, I was not expecting it to be chilly! But to my surprise, my entire home felt chilly, and it was even colder since I still had my air conditioning running.

  • I was not ready to turn on my heating system just yet, and I figured we were just going through a cold spell of some kind.

So instead I decided to turn off the air conditioning machine for now and try again later once it warmed up, and knowing how the temperatures in this area are, it wouldn’t take long. However, the day did not warm up as I had expected, and despite it still being slightly cold outside, I still did not want to turn on the heating device. It was too early for fall, as far as I was concerned. But it wasn’t just that that was bothering me, it was because whenever I use the heating system, it just isn’t nearly as efficient as the air conditioner is. So whenever fall and winter are here, that means I am going to have difficulty keeping the home warm. After a week of continuous cold, I finally turned the furnace system on, and accepted the fact that fall was coming early this year. Of course, the next day it was back to being warm again, and I turned the heating device right back off. Well, the bright side is that this will give me time to call a heating and air conditioning specialist out to examine the unit!


a/c service

The furnace had a burning smell

After 20 minutes he told me that it was most likely just an excess amount of dust, because he could see no issue involving the HVAC system.

I wasn’t that concerned when I turned my heating unit on for the first time in 6 months, and I smelled a burning smell. This is a common occurrence most people will experience if your heating device goes unused in the summer months. The burning smell is just caused by the dust that was built up being burned off. The smell usually goes away within an hour or so. However, after a few hours had passed and I still smelled the burning smell, I did begin to grow concerned. After a day and the smell had only faded a little bit, I was definitely concerned. Even though my heating unit seemed to be working just fine, and was heating the entire house well, I still decided to call a HVAC worker just to be on the safe side. The heating and A/C worker came a few hours later and examined the HVAC machine. After 20 minutes he told me that it was most likely just an excess amount of dust, because he could see no issue involving the HVAC system. He told me to give it another day or so, and if the smell still persists to call the air conditioning corporation again. While this was reassuring, I still couldn’t help but to worry. I turned the furnace system back on and waited to see if the smell would go away. It turned out the A/C repairman’s advice was true, because another day later, the burning smell had completely disappeared, much to my relief.


Air conditioner service

Wanting to upgrade the A/C unit

I have been wanting to upgrade my heating and A/C unit for a long time now. While there is nothing technically wrong with my A/C device, it is just not as modern as I would like it to be. It is probably 10 or so years old, and HVAC technology and HVAC equipment has come such a long way since then. I really wanted something new and more efficient to heat and cool my home. I have been upgrading other small A/C gadgets, such as a smart thermostat, but that isn’t nearly as nice as having the full new HVAC installation. I have already looked at magazines that would show off new and luxurious A/C devices, and it is so hard not to call a local heating company today! However, I know that I simply cannot afford it. And to be honest, there really isn’t much point in me getting a brand new air conditioning unit, when it is not a necessity. My current system is working perfectly fine. So as much as I love the new machines, it is more of a want than a need. Food and paying the bills are far more important. However, that doesn’t mean that I can’t talk to my girlfriend about it and see if she’ll agree to maybe go halfway on a new heating and cooling component. Unfortunately, she isn’t nearly as eager about a new furnace and cooling unit as I am. For now, it will just have to remain a distant dream of mine.


ductless mini split

Why I bring my mini cooling system

People think I am strange because I bring my cooling unit with me no matter where I go, but I don’t think so.

This portable air conditioning device has come in handy so many times. I was meeting up with my sister’s family and we were going to go on a road trip in our wonderful RV. Even though we had air conditioning in the RV, I still decided to bring along the heating and A/C unit. Why? Well, because you never know when you might need it, and I am so glad that I did bring my heating and A/C unit with me. The entire trip, my younger sister was poking fun at my little HVAC unit. I just ignored her. About midway through the trip, the central air conditioning of the RV stopped working. I’m not exactly sure what happened, it was working fine one minute, but after it was turned off, it couldn’t be turned back on. It was strange. Regardless, it didn’t take long before the RV started heating up and feeling uncomfortably. The kids started complaining about the heat, and so I proudly turned on my mini cooling device. The portable air conditioner quickly started cooling the RV back down. My sister didn’t poke fun at my mini A/C device for the rest of the trip, and we were comfortable for most of the ride and the trip. It was another moment where my HVAC machine came in handy again. I planned on getting the RV’s cooling device looked at when we got back home as well.

Heating technician

I feel sick when I am overheated

I do not handle heat very well, I don’t think I ever have.

So when I was forced to wait outside for several hours in the blazing sun, I was not feeling well.

Something about being overheated makes me feel nauseous, and so I try to avoid hot sunny days as much as possible. But when my favorite author was coming to my city for book signings! I knew that was an opportunity that I could not resist. However, what I didn’t anticipate was the long line. There were several cars and people lined up, and I already regretted not bringing a chair, and later on, I would definitely regret not bringing a portable air conditioning system. I got in line, and I noticed that it was taking forever to get anywhere. After about an hour, I sat down on the hot sidewalk. I was beginning to overheat, and was feeling nauseous. I was really regretting not bringing a portable cooling unit. I don’t even have a portable A/C unit, but I sure would have bought one if I knew it was going to be this bad. It was tortuous when, only 30 minutes later, I could stand in the entryway of the library, where the book signing was taking place. I was close enough to feel the ice cold A/C air from inside, but the person in front of me was blocking the door due to the line. The only way to get closer was to leave the line, which was not happening. I finally got my book signed with a sweet message, which made it all worth it, and I was so glad to head back home.

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Sitting in the sun for hours

I made the fatal error of not taking into account the fact that I would be stuck in the sun for hours upon hours on end.

When my kids wanted to go and play at the new large playground nearby us, I was happy to take them there.

This would not only give them some much needed play time, but it would give me some much needed relaxation time. However, the day we went was a super sunny day, in the 80 degree range. I dropped the kids off and sat down on a nearby picnic bench. I got lost in my phone for a little bit, before I realized how hot I was becoming. I looked up and noticed my kids seemed to be unaffected, too distracted by their own imaginations. I looked around for some cooling relief, but found there were no shaded areas nearby. I decided to move spots and sit underneath a tree for some shade, but it was quite uncomfortable since they didn’t have a bench there, so I was sitting on tree roots. My shirt was becoming damp from so much sweat, and I was only able to sit there for another 30 minutes before telling the kids it was time to head home. Naturally, they begged for more time, but I told them no. As we hopped into the car, the first thing I did was turn on the air conditioning system. I blasted the car’s A/C right in my face, and I sat there for the next 15 minutes really enjoying the cold air. After I cooled down a bit thanks to the HVAC unit, we were able to drive back home.



more information on air conditioning

HVAC trip did not go as planned

Well, today definitely did not go as I had planned.

You see, a week ago, I started having issues with my heating and air conditioning system again.

This wasn’t an uncommon occurrence for me, especially now that it was summer. The HVAC device will sometimes have difficulty working, and I will call a HVAC technician out to repair the problem, and then things would go back to normal until next time. I wasn’t surprised the air conditioning unit was having difficulty, it was in the middle of summer time, and during extreme weather, the heating and A/C unit usually struggled more. So I made an appointment with the local A/C company and waited. When the air conditioning technician arrived, I figured it was going to be the same old routine as usual. But no, this time the A/C worker wanted to talk to me, which was not a good sign. Then he dropped the news on me like a bomb. The cooling machine was gone, and it wasn’t coming back. He started talking about HVAC installation quotes, but I couldn’t hear him properly over my internal panic. A/C installation is incredibly expensive! I’m not even sure if I could afford something like that, but there is no way I can live without A/C and heating, the temperatures are too extreme here. It would be dangerous to not have air conditioning or heating! I might have to take out a loan to get the heating and air conditioning installed, I don’t see any other way.


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The tint on my car windows looked really good

I bought a used car from someone online and I knew that the car had a couple of problems. Most of the issues were cosmetic. The car needed a mirror, a door handle, a new sunroof, and the tint looked horrible. There were a couple of mechanical issues too, but I handled most of those things on my own. I put new brakes and struts on the car and I also changed out the four tires. I couldn’t do anything about the window tint. It was one of the worst tint jobs that I have ever seen. The previous owner of the car said that he went to a place at the fairgrounds to have the windows tinted. They were a weird shade of purple or blue and there were tiny bubbles all over the place. I took my car down to a guy that I know that does residential window tinting. I bought the tint for the car windows online and my buddy installed the window tint for me. He didn’t charge me the same amount of money that he would charge for a residential window tinting, but I gave him some money and some beer for his time. When he was done with the job, the window tint looked really good. My car is starting to run well and it is starting to look good too. I am saving up money so I can get a paint job. There’s a lot of rust on the bottom of the car and I would like to have the car painted a color that is unique and individual.



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