Bringing residential HVAC to my home

I live so far out in the woods that I don’t even hook up to the electrical grid.

And I don’t think that will ever change during my life time.

But honestly, I wouldn’t have it any other way. In fact, I set my life up to live self sustainably from the start. Once I was out of college, I knew that I wanted to live way out in the wilderness. Something about being self sufficient resonated deeply within my heart and soul. Yet, I still had to make money so I ended up inside the commercial HVAC of a corporate office for about 10 years. That’s how long it took for me to get the money together in order to put my plan into place. I spent that decade inside apartments that had pretty poor HVAC equipment. But living cheaply allowed me to get to my goal of living self sufficiently that much quicker. I started by buying the property and then slowly building a home. Once I was there full time, I was able to plant a garden and install a solar array for electricity. I had a big wood stove for heating during the winter but there was no air conditioning for the summer. I changed all that not too long ago by bringing residential HVAC out to the wilderness. My solar array produces all the electricity I need which allows me to run a ductless heat pump for air conditioning during the hot months of the summer. I don’t use the ductless heat pump all that often except at night in order to sleep. But having that air conditioning from the ductless heat pump really has made a tremendous difference when it comes to the cooling comfort I need at night.


heating industry