My new humidifier is very nice

Christmas is my number one time of the year.

I am not going to lie.

I actually prefer getting gifts. I prefer to supply gifts as well, however to be honest, getting gifts makes me so much happier. I know for sure that gift giving is my prefer language. My husband could buy me something as little as a candy bar, and I would be so cheerful. He knows how much I prefer getting gifts, so he buys me things all of the time. I am so thankful for such a thoughtful and caring man. My husband and my mom are the two people in my life who know that I prefer gifts and who are willing to buy me things all of the time. My mom got me a humidifier for Christmas this year, and I was beyond excited. My cousin asked me in private if I was disappointed with my gift this year, however I told him that I really was not disappointed. I prefer my humidifier. I had not even expressed to my mom that I had been wanting a humidifier for awhile, so I have no idea how he knew that I wanted one. I think that my husband may have told her, however I don’t even remember mentioning a humidifier to him either. He was super cheerful when I opened up the humidifier though. It was almost like he knew that I was going to get a humidifier. I have used my new humidifier about three times, and I truly like it. I find that my skin is not as dry as before, and that is truly nice. I prefer getting gifts even if it is just a humidifier.

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