My neighbor fixed my furnace for free

I am so thankful to say that I got my furnace fixed for free last week.

Well, I had to spend money for the broken part, however I did not have to spend money for the repair because one of my friends provided to fix it for free.

I had been having furnace problems for about a year, however I did not mention it to anyone which was a mistake on my part. I realize now that a lot of people would have helped me, however I was too proud to ask for help. Well, God humbled me through this whole experience, and He showed me that I have some pretty amazing friends in my life. I finally told one of my friends that my furnace was having trouble, however that wasn’t until he was over at my house and observed that it was a bit cold. He asked me why I kept my house so cool, and I told him that it was not my choice. I set the thermostat to seventy-five degrees, however it was still cold in my house. He worked for an Heating, Ventilation, and A/C company for a few years, so he knew a little bit about Heating, Ventilation, and A/C work. He asked if he could look at my furnace, and of course, I told him that he could. He immediately knew what was wrong, and he provided to fix it if I just bought the part. I am so thankful for such charming friends, and I have learned from this experience not to be too prideful to ask for help when I need it.

indoor air cleaning system