I don’t know how my best friend lives without air conditioning

I have the most wonderful best friend in the world.

Her name is Alamy.

She is so sweet, and we have been good friends for sometime now. I am pretty sure that we have known each other for about ten years. We were best friends from the start. It was nice to be able to connect to someone so easily. I have never had that happen to me before. Almay is one of the most frugal people that I know. It drives me crazy how frugal she is sometimes. One of the things that frustrates me is that she does not use air conditioning in her house or car. She refuses to use air conditioning because she thinks that it is too expensive. I understand that it can be quite expensive to run air conditioning throughout your house all summer long, but we live down south, and it is obnoxiously hot sometimes. I have no idea how she makes it in that house of hers without air conditioning during the summertime. Last summer, there were about fifteen days that got above one hundred degrees, and most days were in the nineties. Almay took it like a champ. Whenever we wanted to hang out though, I told her that she had to come to my house because I actually had air conditioning. She never argued with me although she was always freezing at my house because she wasn’t used to the air conditioning. I turN the temperature in my house up to seventy-five degrees whenever she comes over, but she is still cold.

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