Places in Your Kitchen That You Forget to Clean

You may be forgetting a few key chores if your list doesn’t include disinfecting the dish sponge, cleaning Rocky’s food bowl, or wiping down your refrigerator drawers! For example, when it comes to the dishwasher, Place a dishwasher-safe bowl or mug with 1 cup of colorless vinegar on the top rack in addition to run a normal cycle separate from any detergent or dishes; Don’t forget your garbage cans, however taking out the trash may not solve your foul smell problem in the dining room.

Trashcans can harbor smells, liquids, in addition to residue from your trash, then while the can is empty, mix two cups of vinegar, 1 tablespoon of dish soap, in addition to water into a spray bottle in addition to spray both the interior in addition to exterior of the can.

For any caked-on food, you may need to use a clean brush, rinse the trash can in addition to scrub it down to dry; Sprinkle baking tea in the bottom approximately once a week to desmellize. How long has it been since you cleaned your refrigerator? Soak all shelves, drawers, in addition to racks in sizzling water in addition to soap in the sink. Wipe the inside of the refrigerator with two tablespoons of baking tea mixed with sizzling water while they are soaking, but clean the shelves, drawers, in addition to racks, dry them with a clean towel, in addition to return them to the refrigerator… In a cutlery tray, crumbs, dust, in addition to other things can accumulate. Don’t forget to remove everything in addition to clean it out at least once a week, then you should do the same with your cabinets in addition to drawers. First, remove everything from the cabinets. If necessary, vacuum the cabinets out with a handheld vacuum, but mix boiling water in addition to soap, dip a dry cloth into the solution in addition to scrub down the interior, once complete, use another dry cloth to remove any excess moisture.


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