Author: Chris

My dad’s dog loves the a/c vent

During the summer, you won’t be able to find our dad’s dog Max anywhere besides right next to the a/c. This dog Max is one of the weirdest pets that you will ever meet. I used to tell our dad that he was spoiling Max too much, but that never helped anything out, so I […]

Summer will be over before we know it

Summer is going to be over before we know it. A lot of people complain about the fact that the summer weather is so hot, but I never do. I know that these warm temperatures will not last long and I really like to enjoy the hot weather. The fact that it doesn’t stay warm […]

I think that bad luck comes in threes

That was a huge pain and a big expense to get fixed. I really think that bad luck comes in threes. When I was a kid growing up, my grandma always used to tell me that this was the case, but I never really believed her. Until I was an adult, I was never very […]

I don’t know if it’s going to go well

I just don’t know if it’s going to go well whenever my mom moves in with us next month. She has always been the kind of person who loves the air conditioning. Even when I was a kid growing up, she would have the air conditioning settings set so low that my friends and I […]

I need air conditioning or I get headaches

I need air conditioning during the summertime or I end up getting terrible headaches. This is the weirdest thing, and it has only started happening over the past couple of years. Maybe weird things just start happening as you start to get older. I don’t know why it’s happening, but I have made the correlation […]

I couldn’t figure out the A/C unit at the hotel

I couldn’t figure out the A/C in the hotel room where we stayed when we were out of town for a working vacation last week. The air conditioning system just wouldn’t work at this hotel that I was staying in, and we had to stay there for an entire week. This place had some kind […]