This was the issue

I was having some problems with my smart thermostat lately.

It seemed to be not reacting so well when I would manually try to turn it on or even when I would try to operate the smart thermostat through the app on the computer or cell phone it was slow to respond. I almost wasted money on calling the heating and air conditioning company to send out a certified heat and a/c specialist to look at my smart thermostat as well as my central heating and air conditioning system because it was all connected. Well I was lucky I thought of something to check and try before making the phone call to the local heat and a/c company. As it turned out the battery was going dead slowly but surely. I went right out and bought new batteries and got the central heating and air conditioning up and running once again. With smart thermostats you have to remember to check the battery every other month or so. Usually there is a message that comes ujp which says low battery. But for some reason it was not working on my smart thermostat because I did not get that warning. I will have to get someone to look at my smart thermostat and see what exactly is going on with it. But it won’t be a certified heat and a/c specialist with an HVAC home services call! No way am I paying one hundred bucks for something like that. That would be just ridiculous on my part if I did.

heating maintenance