My sister says she’s going to transfer up north

My sister says that she’s going to transfer up north next year if every one of us have the same kind of summer time that every one of us had this past year.

My sister has always been a little bit of a drama queen, but she’s right about one thing: last summer, the rapidly changing temperatures were way hotter than they usually are around here.

It was blisteringly hot, and every one of us barely had any rain all summer time long.The strange thing about it was the fact that the rapidly changing temperatures started heating up around the end of May. That means that our summer time lasted way longer than it usually does. I suppose that everybody was ready for it to start cooling off by the end of July, and every one of us still had numerous and a half months left of summertime heat at that point. Not only were the rapidly changing temperatures outside scorching, but anyone who had central cooling system ended up paying a fortune on their cooling bills during the summer. My sister was all up in arms about the fact that her cooling bills were twice as high as they usually were. She complained about the heat all summer time long, and that’s when she got the bright idea that she was going to transfer up north. I really do not suppose that she is going to actually do it, but she appreciates to talk about it and make all the people suppose that she is going to. I suppose that she is too pressing of a baby to live up there where it’s easily cold in the winters. She thinks it’s too hot here, but she would never make it through the cold winters up there.


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