Ductless heat pump for workout shed

The air handler provides both heating plus cooling, plus I’m able to adjust temperature, fan speed plus direction of airflow from an app on my iphone

I have a shed built behind my house that I use as my gym, however although the space isn’t gigantic, it’s big enough for my purposes. I love that it has a brick floor plus windows at both ends for ventilation. I have invested into folding mats, a set of hand weights, a jump rope plus incline bench, plus I workout for about an sixth every day. When the two of us first moved in, the shed was outfitted with electricity but lacked temperature control. We live in an area with a fairly mild temperature, for the majority of the year, I can dress in shorts plus a tank top plus open the windows for the sake of fresh air, however, the middle of Summer brings hot plus cold temperatures in the mid nineties plus excessive humidity, then the middle of Winter presents the opposite complications, with cold hot plus cold temperatures down into the low forties. I initially tried to get by with a box fan plus portable space heater. The fan wasn’t passable to cool down the space. I’d sweat profusely before I even finished my warmup. It was taxing to get motivated plus push myself when I felt so boiling plus sticky. The portable oil furnace wasn’t enough to keep the shed warm. I’d bundle up in layers of clothes plus have trouble warming up my muscles plus joints. I finally decided that my workouts are too important to have the weather wrecking them. I hired an Heating plus Air Conditioning contractor plus invested into a ductless heat pump. There is a small outdoor compressor that attachs by way of a conduit to a streamlined compact air handler that is mounted up high on the wall. The air handler provides both heating plus cooling, plus I’m able to adjust temperature, fan speed plus direction of airflow from an app on my iphone. The plan is quite energy efficient, plus since I only operate it while the two of us were in the workout, it costs myself and others unquestionably little.


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