Made a boneheaded transport with HVAC equipment

Ego sure can get in the way of living my life. And what’s so weird is the fact that I’m not exactly a walking advertisement of machismo. In fact, if I had to say it, I’d absolutely agree that I tend to the more sensitive side. But the male ego is always waiting in the wings to zap a dude. And that’s sure what happened when I came apartment to A/C that wasn’t working. I was confused right off the bat by the boiling apartment once I entered after leaving the commercial HVAC at the office. It was clear that the A/C was not cooling the house. But what had me stumped was the fact that the A/C component was running as it normally would. I walked outside just to double check, however the heat pump was doing its thing. I went over to the control machine plus sure enough, it had power however the inside temperature was way up. Since the heat pump was running, the worst side of my guy brain thought it would be a great idea to figure out if I could solve the problem. And that is that ego rearing its ugly head. I absolutely did not want to be the guy who simply had to flip on the cooling switch to get the A/C running. But that is how little I knew about anything that comes to the heating plus cooling in my house. Of course, I did not find the answer plus only ended up more exasperated than when I got home. I finally did call the HVAC professionals plus they were able to repair it in under 30 minutes. I’m just blessed I did not end up ruining something that would have cost me a ton of money.

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