Finding a different sort of HVAC answer

They made it so easy for me to have the sort of heating and cooling that works for me.

Change is never easy but there are times when you just have to go a new direction in order to add to your life. I have always been a ver self motivated and self reliant person. When I left the quality heating and air of my parent’s house for college, I was on my own. But now, I’m about to share my life with someone. That is going to come with plenty of change to just how I have lived my life up to this point. That goes for my house too. My house is simple and minimalist. There is no really HVAC or any sort of modern convenience. I have electricity and water but none of the other stuff that most people take for granted. My about to be wife gets that I live this way on purpose. It’s not so much that I’m rejecting the ways that most people live. It’s just that I’ve found living minimally to be good for me. But as I am now sharing my house and my life, I have to be flexible to change. That means there is now heating and cooling in my home. The HVAC company was great about it. They made it so easy for me to have the sort of heating and cooling that works for me. Instead of the conventional central air conditioning, I have a ductless multi split system installed. It’s perfect because it’s so efficient that I get the sustainability component that I’m looking for. Yet, my wife will really like being able to have air conditioning all summer as well.

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