My dad never enjoys to confess when he is wrong

Shortly after that fight, we ended up with a brand modern air conditioner in the house.

My dad is the type of person that doesn’t care about to confess when he is wrong. It can be a fault & a serious character flaw. When I was a kid, our dad & our uncle got into an fight about the air conditioner in the house. My uncle tried to tell our dad that the air conditioner was making a funny sound. My dad did not want to believe that his brother might guess more about the AC unit than he did. He ignored the suggestion to call someone & our dad had to spend money the price. So did our mom & all of us kids, because the heat went out in the middle of a frigid Winter storm. My mom was furious & she accused our dad of being too proud & not taking advice from other people. My mom was right about our dad, although I still could not believe that she said it out loud. It was the first time I ever heard our mom tell our dad that she was unhappy with him & the way he was behaving. Shortly after that fight, we ended up with a brand modern air conditioner in the house. I do not guess I remember our parents fighting much after that either. I guess care about our mom made her point & our dad understood exactly what she was saying. My dad is almost 74 years aged & he still has a lot of pride. He doesn’t care about to confess when he iswrong, although he never questioned his brother again when it came to the heating & cooling system.

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