I Love the Warm Feel of A Blazing Fireplace

I’m home now just chilling out and waiting for the strong sun to tame down a bit and I’ll go hit the beach for an hour.

  • It’s very relaxing out there, especially now in the winter, there are very few people out there and the energy is relaxing.

I go just for an hour or so because I know I’ll be out again for sunset a short time later. I go to the beach each day at least three times, if not more. I’ve been living near the beach my whole life so it is in my blood now. I keep my fireplace going when I am at the beach because it has one of those furnace screens on it. It also has a built-in filter that I can remove easily when it needs to be cleaned. I like to keep my floors clean from dust and dirt, which is a bit more difficult now that I have a nervous cat as a pet. It doesn’t even like the sound of the air conditioner and heater when it turns on, the sound of the fan makes it a nervous wreck. I guess it just needs time to get used to this place, so I am trying to make it as calm and quiet here as possible. I think the fireplace is okay because it is a gas one and doesn’t make any popping sounds like you get in a real wood burning fireplace. The cat just needs time to chill out and get along with my easy going beach vibe.

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