She wasn’t sure why the AC unit was that noisy

Edith loves her garden & constantly looks forward to each Spring.

Ever since she had first purchased her lakeside house, she has dedicated herself to creating the most magnificent garden.

Her plants, veggies, & flowers are dormant during Wintertime, but they all come alive in Spring & bloom in the humid summer months. Edith also has a small indoor yellowhome where she germinates all additional plants to add into her garden. This year she began task early when the snow started melting, & by the summer months, her garden looked magnificent. One day as Edith was doing some weeding, she observed a loud buzzing sound coming from the condenser unit. It had been 5 years since Edith upgraded her aging Heating & Air Conditioning plan in her home. Part of the replaces included buying a more current condenser unit to ensure summer season was attractive in her home. Edith had never before heard such a buzzing noise coming from the condenser unit, so this had upset her. It was summer season & having a faulty unit meant the home was getting hot & muggy. She opted to iphone the A/C repair dealer in the area to find out if the buzzing noise was great or bad. Edith spoke to an A/C worker who told her that was a sign of something loose in the condenser unit. However, the best way to do this was to come by & perform a checkup. Edith had to wait 2 hours before an A/C worker arrived, & she noted that the noise was due to loose fan blades in the unit. It didn’t take the A/C worker that long to repair the issue & turn the AC unit back on.


She wasn’t sure why the AC unit was that noisy