Mandy was worried about the bubbling noise from the AC unit

Mandy is close to her big sister.

They’re practically best friends since they see each other all the time.

When Mandy was born, her big sister wasn’t too happy. At least that’s what her mom likes to tease her with. However, after seeing her little sister fall one day, Mandy’s big sister swore always to protect her. Since then, they’ve been thick as thieves. After graduating from college, Mandy moved in with her big sister and began working in her catering business. Her sister was a whizz with cooking, but she needed someone to help her run the business side of things. One afternoon, Mandy left work early because she had a terrible headache. When she got home, she opted to pass through the back door and heard a bubbling noise from the air conditioner. Mandy never knew that AC units made such a noise and was concerned. She got her phone and called her sister to let her know about the odd AC noise. Her sister was busy at work and not in a position to solve the matter. So, she requested Mandy to phone their neighbor, an AC technician. The lady was away on another job but promised to pass by that evening when she got in. At around 6 pm, Mandy heard a knock at the door. The AC technician was ready to take a look at the AC unit. She explained that a bubbling noise showed that the condensate line was clogged. Unclogging would release the excess moisture and prevent further damage to the AC unit.


heat pump repair