I enjoy being alone

I don’t mind a guest every so often, but that is about it

One thing I have to say is that I prefer being alone plus living alone! I am not one for getting into relationships. I tried marriage once plus it was not for me. I am just a personal private person who prefers to do their own thing in their own space. One of the major things I enjoy about being alone is that I have control over the heating plus cooling system! I can not tell you how several times growing up my family would always argument over the heat plus a/c component plus the thermostat settings. I had the same issue when I was married. But now living alone now for almost 20 years I can set the heating or cooling system exactly as I want it. I do not have to argument with anyone about it being too tepid or too cold. Whatever my body feels it what it is! I can have the cooling system on one hour cranked at 71 degrees if I wanted plus then flip on the central heating to 72 degrees. It doesn’t matter because I have the full freedom of doing my own thing plus running my own living space. I may sound bitter or otherwise jaded. And really, I am in a way. But I absolutely just prefer living alone. I don’t mind a guest every so often, but that is about it. I prefer my private space. This is how I will be for the rest of my life. Some may call it sad, although I call it living!
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