Not too good , not too good.

I recently took a chance on buying washable air filters for our central heating plus cooling system unit.

  • Had been hearing about washable air filters for a few years now plus was legitimately curious to try them out! Well, the ones that I bought were not so great.

When I went to wash them they flaked apart plus eventually just ripped. I ended up having to go out plus buy some typical air filters for our central heating plus cooling system unit. I am not sure if maybe it was the brand of washable air filters that I bought being the issue or if washable air filters are just one important load of crap all together. I will try the top of the line HEPA washable air filters sometime soon. But I will buy the smallest amount possible to try. Then, if these top of the line HEPA washable air filters do the same thing then the people I was with and I will think for sure that washable air filters are a lie plus just a way to milk more money out of you for nothing. The verdict is still out on the concept of washable air filters in our opinion. But love I said, once I buy those HEPA air filters I will be able to find out either way. For now I am using our respected air filters that have been doing me just good for ages. I am going to stick with these for a while before I go plus try the HEPA brand washable air filters.


indoor air quality