Nancy’s HVAC system wasn’t working

Last month while Nancy was taking a mid morning nap she discovered that her HVAC unit had broken down without any warning.

Due to the fact that she needed to have some type of cooling while in the hot summer, Nancy had no other choice other than to reach out for some assistance.

Fortunately for her, Nancy was able to find a dealer that was just down the street from her that was willing to help her out. After the HVAC maintenance technician showed up to begin diagnosing and repairing her HVAC unit, she also told Nancy a little more about the membership system that they were offering to new patrons. With this membership Nancy was able to pay a little over half of what another dealer was asking her to pay for the exact same service. Along with that, Nancy was able to get this same type of repair check and maintenance many more times before the end of the year. Most of the time she doesn’t appreciate it when people she hires try to sell her on some service. However, with how clear, friendly, and even-handed the technician was, Nancy was appreciative of the information she shared with her. Now she doesn’t think she will ever have to stress out about her HVAC unit even if she has complications with it shutting down in the future. Nancy knows that her membership has her completely covered.



Heating industry