My new furnace was covered by the warranty

If you buy a new oil furnace, you always hope that you won’t have to buy another one ever again since it costs so much.

Many oil furnaces cost thousands of dollars, and they’re expected to last for at least a decade.

We were shocked when a Heating and A/C professional informed us that our oil furnace was shot and needed to be replaced. Since my oil furnace had been updated less than two years prior, there was no reason in our minds that it should need to be updated. Logically, nothing should have caused it to stop running so soon. I was concerned about our oil furnace not heating our house, which is why I called a Heating and A/C professional in the first place. I knew something was wrong in my oil furnace, but I couldn’t comprehend upgrading it when it was so young, and so when I decided to hire a new Heating and A/C company for their opinion. Unfortunately, this Heating and A/C company told me the same thing. In addition, our oil furnace would not be able to heat our home again, and I would have to replace it with a modern one. This Heating and A/C company told me that our oil furnace was still under warranty and that the entire cost was covered. It would cost us nothing out of our own pocket. I am grateful that the Heating and A/C company informed me about the warranty Since I couldn’t afford another oil furnace, but one was expensive enough! Furthermore, I am glad that our oil furnace stopped working before the warranty expired.


Heating maintenance