New heating ducts helped us sort the extensive mold infestation

When our daughter was four, Jill and I moved to a modern condo that had just been renovated, according to the advert and realtor.

It looked well done, so Jill and I did not expect any concerns until Lola started having endless pollen irritations.

Jill and I decided to stay with my parents, and Lola returned to her proper self. My sibling advocated that Jill and I could have mold, but I told her that was impossible because the condo was newly renovated. It shocked us when the mold specialist came over to check it out and found that the ducts in our heating were full of mold. It was so extensive that we replaced it with modern heating. They did try to clean it, but a heating serviceman came for heating system maintenance which Jill and I thought would help; he also confirmed that the best solution would be to replace the whole condo heating setup. Jill and I moved to my mom’s location for a month and even took the opportunity to have a heat pump installation done. Jill and I had hoped to upgrade to a heat pump several years after moving to the modern house, but Jill and I were meant to do it as soon as we had settled. The home also had a manual climate control unit, and I wanted a smart control component as Jill and I had used it in the rental we had lived in before buying the renovated home. The Heating and Air Conditioning expert had assured us that everything Jill and I hoped would help with indoor comfort was achievable but would be high-priced. Jill and I purchased the best equipment my friend and I could afford from a high quality heating industry brand under the guidance of the local heating corporation’s heating dealer. The Installation was done in three mornings by a team of pros sent from the heating business, an experience that taught us more about heating and how to avoid mold and mildew growing in the vents.

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