You can skimp out on the HVAC system when renovating a building

When the contractor for both of us started growing, all the people were excited; then the people I was with and I have a wonderful boss and he assured us both of us would also benefit from the growth… However, I’ve been working for him for about 5 years, and he was 1 of the few people who didn’t slash salaries during COVID! Our boss also agreed for both of us to work from home until it was safe to return to the office which was great; but see, at that time, both of us were situated in a small office and didn’t mind it before the pandemic… And after COVID, being so close would become an issue healthwise! Fast forward to late 2021, it was time to return to work and our boss informed us both of us were moving to a new building.

It was another seasoned renovated place that he’d bought with so much space.

But, that first week back at the office was hard because the air was stuffy. The people I was with and I had to complain about the stuffy air in the building to our boss and he promised to have it taken care of. It turns out when you renovate a space, it’s also extremely important to replace the commercial heating and air conditioning system inside. Failure to do so would lead to stuffiness and other bad air quality concerns in the house; an actual heating and air conditioning team came to the building and tested reconfiguring the duct runs to suit the new set up. This was 1 way to ensure the building was no longer stuffy, and also check that the commercial central heating and air conditioning was in excellent working condition as well. They also have to do extensive duct cleaning and sealing to guarantee better air quality in the greater building.
