Humidity balance is a key function of the heat pump

There is no way that I would even consider moving anywhere else.

  • I’ve had to live all over the country for my work and this is where I’ll be staying put.

I’m now in the commercial HVAC of the corporate headquarters. And if they ask me to move I think I’d have to take early retirement. I really love the fact that I don’t have to have a gas furnace and all those heating cost through the winter. The days of dealing with that kind of winter are over for me. I just don’t think I have it in me anymore to deal with that kind of cold for month after month. Instead, I like the fact that the heat pump will kick on every now and again down here when it gets a bit cold. But that doesn’t last very long and that’s generally the extent of the heating we need for our winner. During the summer, it’s much different. Of course, around here, summer comes with lots and lots of heat and humidity. But I’d rather deal with hot summer than a long, cold winter. Where I live, the HVAC cooling from the heat pump is great. But one of the things that is so important that gets overlooked is the fact the heat pump is doing more than simply providing the HVAC cooling comfort we rely upon. During the HVAC cooling process, the heat pump is also balancing the moisture level inside the house. Reducing the humidity helps us not have to be overrun by mold and mildew. While I’m super thankful for the cooling comfort of the air conditioning, I’m just as grateful for the humidity balance inside my home.


heat pump service