I just found out that our neighbors are going to get a divorce

I just found out some distraught news the other day. Our neighbors, who have lived next to us for about 10 years now, are going to be getting a divorce. I cannot easily say that I’m all that surprised, although it is sad. I used to hear them yelling all the time whenever they had their windows open. I sincerely think that them having their windows open was entirely section of the problem with their marriage, from what I heard! They were always fighting about their heating as well as cooling plan as well as their air conditioning bills. From what I could gather from all of their fights, the wifey always wanted to have the air conditioning on full blast however the spouse wanted to keep the windows open instead. The wifey was always yelling that she was too tepid as well as that he was too cheap to spend money for the cooling bills. He, on the other hand, would yell about how she just wants to spend cash that he doesn’t have all the time as well as that she was a spoiled little princess.The fights would get easily bad. This went on for a really long time, as well as I was always wondering how it was going to turn out. I did not think that they were really ecstatic together since they were fighting nearly all the time, as far as I could tell. I mean, I’m sure that they fought during the Wintertide too, however the summertime when the windows were open was when I heard the worst of it. It’s too bad they can’t labor things out.

heater technician