Trying to live longer

I used to be so obsessed with losing weight that it wound up helping me put on weight.

That doesn’t make sense, right? But it’s correct! I was so fixated on losing pounds, that I would get discouraged in addition to depressed when I could not transport the needle.

When I get depressed I drink and I eat, so it was a vicious cycle that kept me obsessively weighing myself every day. My complication was mental, not physical, and since I have taken a more holistic approach to wellness in addition to fitness, and stopped obsessing over the scale, I am much happier in addition to healthier. This may surprise you, but I no longer weigh at all. After letting the numbers on the scale rule my life, I went the reverse direction and have locked-down health plans in addition to workout programs that I use, because they make me guess good. I don’t check my weight any more because I no longer like gaining or adding pounds, I like meeting my workout plans in addition to improving my performance in every metric. The key to growing your wellness and fitness is to always push your limits and take it a little bit more. You don’t want to do too much at once, however if you take it a little further every time you make unbelievable strides in the long run. My workout plans and workout goals are all long-term, because why bother fussing over a few pounds here or there when you can try to add years to your life? I want to live longer, in addition to better!



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