The a/c at the shop is too old

I work in a town shop & disclose I appreciate it so much, but before, I was an office administrator in the city. That was a life I never wanted to repeat, and it was the first position I got after graduating college. But, my boss worked me to the ground until I had a mental breakdown. My mom noticed I was losing weight & not answering calls as often. So, she came to see me, & that’s when the breakdown happened. I kneel there in her arms sobbing, & she asked me to move back house with her. After some downtime, I got work in the town shop & have been there ever since. The shop serves a small community & has an old a/c. In summer, I’m constantly bringing in my portable a/c just in case the 1 at the shop stops working. The old guy who owns the town shop says he will substitute the aging a/c however never does! Last month, I saw a opportunity to have the faulty a/c substituted & went for it. The old owner’s child was in the area to visit him & see the business. He came to the shop to introduce himself, & we talked about ways to improve the business. I never wasted a opportunity & told him about the old a/c. It was failing, & he could hear its loud buzzing noise, however days later, an Heating & Air Conditioning serviceman stopped by to assess the equipment & agreed it was time for a substitutement! You should have seen me dance in the bathroom because the shop was finally getting a new a/c.
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